Save the Earth one wig at a time?

Sustainable fashion in the hair and beauty industries

Mirabel Efe Orakpo
2 min readSep 22, 2023

As our society grows increasingly eco-conscious, there’s a trend that’s creating ripples and capturing everyone’s attention: Sustainability.

What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is about making choices that are kind to the environment. It involves selecting clothing made from eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and supporting ethical practices in the fashion industry.

Essentially, it’s a way to wear clothing that doesn’t harm the planet. The wig industry is responding with sustainable alternatives that not only enhance your beauty but also contribute to a greener planet.

DY is one of the hair, fashion and beauty brands at the forefront of this transformative movement. A premier hair company in London, UK.

Why should I patronise sustainable fashion brands?

  1. Earth-Friendly Materials: These include plant-based fibres, recycled resources, and cruelty-free options that not only look stunning but also align with environmental values.
  2. Sustainable Manufacturing: We’ve adopted environmentally responsible practices, reducing waste, conserving energy, and, in some cases, introducing wig recycling initiatives to extend the life of these hairpieces.
  3. Durable Designs: Just as with any beloved possession, we appreciate wigs that stand the test of time. DY sells only high-quality wigs built for longevity, to reduce the need for frequent replacements, which in turn reduces the industry’s environmental footprint.
  4. Ethical Sourcing Focus: DY places a premium on transparency, ensuring that the hair used in wigs is ethically acquired, benefiting the communities involved.
  5. Upcycling and Repurposing: Before you bid farewell to an old wig, consider this: DY now offers a ‘Return for Thrift’ program. Your well-loved wig could find new life, contributing to a reduction in wig waste and you get store points for your next purchase.
  6. Educate and Advocate: The sustainable wig movement calls for awareness. Attend DY’s workshops and webinars to stay informed about the latest eco-friendly wig options and how to care for them.
  7. The Influence of Choice: Consumer choices matter. By supporting DY and our commitment to sustainability, you’re sending a message that eco-friendly wigs are a growing preference, influencing the industry towards a greener future.
  8. Beauty with a Purpose: Beyond appearances, these sustainable wigs represent more than just style. They embody an eco-conscious mindset, allowing you to look and feel great about your choices.

The future of wigs is characterised not only by elegance but by eco-friendliness as well. Join the movement, be the change, explore all the options on their website, and let your choices reflect your values.

Stay confident, stay green!

Originally published for DiamantYonda at on September 22, 2023.

