Business Data Analytics

Design and build network architectures that support your business

Mirabel Efe Orakpo
2 min readOct 17, 2023

Problem-Solving 101

There is a common saying in today’s IT space “Data is the new gold!”, but is data in its raw form valuable?

Aggregating and processing data to derive information can make all the difference in the success of a business.

Sometimes, people confuse the terms data analysis vs data analytics, or try to use them interchangeably. However, they mean two different things.

Data analysis can be likened to sorting through individual bottles of wine to observe the shape of each bottle and the taste of each drink,

while Data analytics is putting all the bottles of wine together to determine which ones you drink most often, which one tastes the best and which ones you will not be buying anymore.

Data analysts do the same thing with information. They take analysed data and group them to form patterns and find trends that help them propose data-driven solutions to present and future possible business problems.

Therefore, data analytics helps you make more informed decisions with ease and precision.

To improve your business using data analytics, you need to shape your processes around analysed data that will then be converted into actionable insights. Doing this will allow you to:

  1. Optimise your operations
  2. Enhance marketing strategies
  3. Identify customer patterns
  4. Predict future trends

Originally published for Waje Smart Solutions Limited at

